WETA in the News

Naturita and Nucla Strive to be Next Colorado Bike Destination with Aggressive Trail Plan
Naturita and Nucla Strive to be Next Colorado Bike Destination with Aggressive Trail Plan

Colorado’s West End: A Treasure of Isolation and Recreation
How a rich vein of recreation could transform former mining communities.

Dreaming of singletrack: Trails Alliance hopes to turn West End into mtb destination
From mining and railroads to ranching, the Western Slope has been discovered over the years as a place where industries can thrive thanks to the unique landscape and natural resources. Recently, another industry has sprung up here for a similar reason: outdoor recreation.
Now, a group of hiking and biking enthusiasts in Montrose County’s West End is hoping to boost the area’s economy by ambitiously building up the area’s outdoor infrastructure.
The plan? Build 54 miles of new, high-quality singletrack within the Sawtooth and Naturita Flats areas over the next five years. Trails would be accessible from Naturita, and West End Trails Alliance founding and board member Paul Koski explained they could provide a boon for both Naturita and Nucla.